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Massage Therapy

What is Massage Therapy?


A Registered Massage Therapist provides therapeutic massage therapy through manual techniques that can help to treat existing conditions and/or prevent conditions in the body. The therapist will always ensure that the patient is a partner in building a treatment plan that is
individual for their needs. Common conditions that may be a reason for seeking treatment may be related to the musculoskeletal system, digestive system, hormonal system, lymphatic system, circulatory system; massage therapy can aid on all levels of the body. Whether you are looking for pregnancy-symptom relief, relief from chronic pain due to desk work, or a reprieve from
stress, massage may be right for you. Registered Massage Therapists in BC are the most highly trained in all of North America. They are regulated by the CMTBC (College of Massage Therapists of BC) and the MTABC (Massage Therapists Association of BC). BC RMTs are trained in a variety of techniques and will likely use a combination of them in your treatment.


What to expect in a treatment:


After booking your treatment online you will have access to a health history form and a consent form. Please fill out your health history form and review the consent form prior to showing up for your first treatment so that you can have the most hands-on time possible. Your
RMT will review your health history form and treatment goals in a short interview at the beginning of your appointment. Some massage treatment goals are straight forward, some are more complex and may require more orthopedic, postural, strength, neurological and/or lifestyle assessment to determine the cause of your symptoms. These little details are relevant and every bit of information we get during this assessment is important for the outcome of your treatment. It is key that you tell us about your past injuries and surgeries, even if they seem irrelevant. If your symptoms started after a big life event that was stressful or traumatic, this could be linked to your physical pain. We don't necessarily need the details, if you're not comfortable talking about it. Just knowing there was trauma at the time is enough. All of these things help us put the whole picture together, from a biopsychosocial perspective, so we can figure out what's driving your pain and dysfunction. 


Your RMT and you will develop a treatment plan. She will give you instructions for positioning on the table and will leave the room for a few minutes so you can get comfortable. In most cases, people disrobe down to their preferred comfort level which could be removing only necessary clothing, leaving only underwear on or disrobing completely. If indicated, your massage therapist may ask you to wear comfortable clothing that is easy to move in for a certain technique in a subsequent treatment. Your massage therapist will knock before she enters and will then provide the treatment, as discussed. Shortly before the end of the treatment, your massage therapist will excuse herself and leave the room for you to get dressed. Upon returning, you will likely be given some recommendations for exercises or stretches and a follow up treatment schedule.

Pregnancy Massage Therapy

Pregnancy causes significant physiological, structural and emotional changes in birthing parents. As exciting as this time of joyful expectation is, fluctuating hormone levels and the growth of the baby can sometimes cause uncomfortable symptoms. For instance, pregnant people may experience episodes of pain, nausea, sleeplessness, heartburn, headaches, anxiety and depression. Medications may interfere with the baby’s development, so they are usually contraindicated during pregnancy. Fortunately, complementary and alternative therapies such as massage therapy is safe throughout all stages of pregnancy and can offer effective, natural relief.


How Can Massage Therapy Help with Pregnancy Symptoms?
In addition to encouraging overall wellness and relaxation, massage therapy can be effective in managing specific pregnancy symptoms. Registered massage therapy may help pregnant people with diminished anxiety and depression, reduced headaches, water retention (edema), nerve dysfunction (sciatica) and general muscle tension, improved mood, better sleep and less back and pelvic pain. 


What to expect in a pregnancy massage treatment:
A pregnancy massage treatment will look very similar to a regular Massage Therapy
treatment. One difference is that your blood pressure may be taken at the beginning of each treatment. This provides a baseline and subsequently monitors for potential health concerns like preeclampsia/eclampsia. Another difference in a pregnancy massage treatment, is that depending on how far along you are, you may be positioned differently. Your therapist may have you on your side for the treatment and may modify how you lay on your back. It is also contraindicated to do deep lower-back work during the first trimester of pregnancy or to use essential oils; for
your safety, these will be avoided.


*If you are interested in booking in a child for treatment please contact us to discuss this 

Therapy Info: Text
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